Maya Jama and Stormzy Announce Definitive Split After Trying to Reconcile for 1 Year

Maya Jama and Stormzy announce definitive split after trying to reconcile for 1 year
Maya Jama and Stormzy announce definitive split after trying to reconcile for 1 year (Instagram / @stormzy – @mayajama)

Maya Jama, Love Island host, and British rapper Stormzy have announced that they have split again after trying to reignite their relationship.

The couple, who initially fell in love in 2014 and broke up in 2019, spent the past year trying to make their relationship work but decided to go their separate ways. In a joint statement on Instagram, Maya and Stormzy explained that both made significant efforts to make the relationship work but realized it was not going to work.

“We fell deeply in love in 2014, broke up in 2019, and then spent five years navigating life apart. We decided to try one last time in August 2023 and spent this past year trying our best to make it work; however, we recently decided to end it. […] We tried, and it didn’t work, and that’s okay.”

They emphasized that they still respect and care for each other and remain friends, asking fans not to make a fuss if they see them together at future events.

Maya and Stormzy also ended their statement by thanking fans for their support and asking for space to move on without speculation or rumors. Here is the full statement:

Official statement from Maya Jama and Stormzy (Instagram / @stormzy - @mayajama)

Official statement from Maya Jama and Stormzy (Instagram / @stormzy – @mayajama)

Hey everyone,

We’re laughing as we write this because we never, ever, in a million years thought we would be the couple announcing a breakup, but for the sake of clarity and, more importantly, to give us both the space and grace needed to navigate this next phase of our lives with peace, we think it’s best this way.

We fell deeply in love in 2014, broke up in 2019, and then spent five years navigating life apart. We decided to try one last time in August 2023 and spent this past year trying our best to make it work; however, we recently decided to end it. We were 21 and 20 when we first met – at the start of our careers – and spent five years growing together and then five years growing apart, so this final attempt required a lot of learning, relearning, and unlearning. We tried, and it didn’t work, and that’s okay.

We still think the world of each other, still care and respect one another, are grateful for the time we had together, and are still friends and always will be (so if you see us chatting at The Brits or something, don’t make a fuss, we’re friends!).

Announcing this seems so dramatic, but we’re doing it to kind of take the drama out and avoid speculation and rumors. We kindly ask for the grace to let us both move on without being bothered by it (we doubt it will work, but we’re asking kindly anyway).

We love you all and thank you for all the love you’ve given us, it’s been beautiful!

Mike & MJ x”

Source: Daily Star | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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